
Award Winning International Lawyer Turned Celebrated African Real Estate Entrepreneur.

Business and Life Strategist to Champions and Trailblazers


Nothing can stop me from serving in my calling except the curtain call. I don’t believe in the word "impossible". I believe it’s a word designed by mere men to place boundaries on the weak and unmotivated. I don’t believe challenges can stop you unless you decide to stop. I am UNPRECEDENTED and UNIQUE carrying uncommon solutions for my generation.


“My super power is Confidence, Resilience and Radiance.”

— Udo Okonjo


Nothing can stop me from serving in my calling I can’t be put in a box. I am a multi-dimensional bundle of unlimited expressions like my Creator. I am expressing the full possibilities and potential that I carry. I understand and adapt to change recognizing that life has seasons and unique stories that go with each season. I am DILIGENT and DISTINGUISHED. I understand that my combination is irreplaceable and in much demand by the discerning.


“Be a class act. raise your standards”

— Udo Okonjo


I am outstanding, going the extra mile to ensure that I autograph my work with excellence. I reach for the stars daily and empower others in my sphere of influence to do the same. Mediocrity is the only unforgivable sin in my dictionary. I believe everyone can and should strive to Go Mega. I am Original. A Phenomenon that has to be experienced to be believed. I breathe and live positivity and gratitude.


The dash is my motivation.

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What motivates me most are 3 Questions. I would like to answer at the end of my timeline.

1. DID I LIVE FULLY? On Purpose? Did I push to attain my truest potential.

2. DID I SERVE FAITHFULLY? Did I Ignite Possibilities for others? Did I Spread Light? Showing People The Pathway To A More Confident Resilient and Radiant Life? Did I Give generously of my resources? To My Family, Friends and Community?

3. DID I ENJOY THE JOURNEY? Did I celebrate life’s seasons, practice gratitude and seize each moment to live the life I desired, designed and deserved? Did I live and laugh out loud? Did I Explore, Express and Exhale often? I want to LIVE. SERVE. ENJOY. Life and Empower Others To Do The Same in their own way.


Ultimately this is what matters most and what I want to leave as a legacy. If I am doing this in the context of my business and family life, then I am living my dream life. Everything else I do is added sauce.